Baby reveal

Surprises sometimes happen.  And boy were we surprised when we heard little baby cries from one of our habitats.

This little bundle of joy is growing nicely and is very sweet and very noisy!  Everyday, we see more signs of natural behavior, and are very encouraged by the progress.

YOU can be the FIRST members of the public to meet this little critter.  The deal is that we’re not telling you much about the animal right now..  Like a gender reveal for babies, over the next few weeks we’ll be revealing the species, gender, and name.  We can tell you that it is a member of a VULNERABLE species.

Join us on May 18 at 11AM for a VERY special introduction.  Jackie will host a little get together featuring country-appropriate snacks and beverages.  There is a limit of 15 guests, and the price is $105/person.

We know you’ll have a great time.  If you love animals and love a mystery, sign up today!


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