About Us

Welcome to the world of Wild Wonders, Inc. where kids and adults can tame their curiosity for wildlife. Through live interactive programs and tours at our site or yours, our wildlife educators and our 100 animal ambassadors will take you on a dynamic adventure you will not forget. Our goal is to excite the public and foster a desire to preserve and learn about the wildlife and the important role they play in the planet we share.

Our motto is “Rescue.  Educate.  Conserve”, and our educators will share the stories behind the animals, the adaptations they have to help them survive in the wild, and what conservation challenges they face.

What sets us apart from other wildlife refuges?


We are a private facility, and when you visit us and embark on one of our tours or experiences, your own personal guide will introduce you to animals from all over the world.  As you tour our 5 acre facility, your guide will provide you with an engaging and interactive session where you’ll get up close and personal with some of our ambassadors.


Wild Wonders, Inc. is a licensed and insured wildlife education organization with more than 100 animal ambassadors


Our wildlife reserve is located in north San Diego county, and  provides exotic animals and animal keepers for educational programs and exhibits throughout California and the United States. Our staff consists of degreed professionals with extensive experience in educating the public, as well as the handling and training of diverse species. We strive to provide the utmost in care for our animals; from diet and nutrition to affection training and behavioral enrichment. All of our 100 animal ambassadors came to us from other educational facilities, were confiscated or owner relinquished illegal pets, or non-releasable native wildlife.  They are now dedicated “creature-teachers.”  NONE HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM THE WILD.

[Wild Wonders Inc.] regularly presents programs about wildlife to many, many groups including schools, hospitals, and other organizations to teach people about animals and conservation.  [They have] a unique ability to communicate to and inspire those who take part in [their] programs.

— Jack Hanna 

Animal Interaction with Bearcat

Animal Experience

Animal Interaction with Wallaby

We offer interactive education programs both on and off-site

At our site in Bonsall, we offer Behind the Scenes tours and special interactive experiences focusing on our Binturongs, Fennec Foxes, Cats, and Wallabies.  You can read about our offerings on our Animal Experiences page.  All of our tours are private and by appointment only, and are led by one of our keeper-educators.

We can also bring our ambassadors off-site for unique animal encounters from around the world.  We present to classrooms, school assemblies, libraries, birthday parties and other special events

Check out our animal ambassadors.

Thank you for taking a walk on the “wild side” with Wild Wonders!